OLAT - FAQ for Students

FAQ for Students

Logging in to OLAT

OLAT is the university's central learning management system. If you have an HRZ account, you can log in to OLAT with your HRZ credentials (user login and password).

If you have an HRZ account:

  • Check that you are on the correct login page. It should say HRZ login in the login field. If not, click the link Do you use a HRZ account? to switch to the correct page.
  • Check whether you are using the correct password. Try logging in to other HRZ services, e.g. webmail (https://webmail.server.uni-frankfurt.de). If logging in also fails here, please contact the GoetheCard Service Center (https://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/63656711/Campus_Westend_2016.pdf, no. 18) to request a new password.
  • Check whether you mistyped your username. Your HRZ username contains only lower-case letters, e.g. s1234567 or janedoe.
  • Prevent your web browser from saving your login credentials. If you mistype your password and/or your username and save them, your browser will always fill in the wrong credentials without you noticing. See your browser's manual on how to delete saved usernames and passwords.

If you have a local/external account instead of an HRZ account:

  • Check whether you are using the correct login screen. Click Do you use a local (external) account for OLAT? on https://olat-ce.server.uni-frankfurt.de to switch login screens. Trying to log in with a local account on the HRZ login screen will result in an error message.

After your successful login to OLAT, you can find courses in the OLAT course catalogue (tab Catalogue). The course catalogue is structured exactly like the QIS/LSF course catalogue. There is also a search option.

In case you cannot seem to find a certain course, it may not have been made visible yet. Your lecturer may be able to help you with your access to the course.

Click on the course you wish to enrol in. If your lecturer has not placed any enrolment restrictions (e.g. password protection), you may find the Enrolment element on the left side of the screen. The image shows the element's icon:

In some cases, the course setup expects you to state your explicit willingness to attend in addition to your enrolment. This will be indicated by a news alert next to your name in the top menu.

Click on the number and you will be able to check a box, giving you access to the course.

If there is no way for you to enroll in a course yourself (this is the case if there is no “Enrolment" element present on the left side of the screen), your lecturer has choosen to add participants to the course manually.
After you have been added to a course, you can access the course via the tab Teach & Learn by clicking on My Groups. There you will find the learning groups belonging to your various courses.

You leave a course by leaving the group(s) that are linked to that course.

If you can still access the course and the enrolment element is still open, you can chose Withdraw.

If that element is not accessible anymore, open Teach and Learn, open then My Groups and Participating. This shows your list of groups.

You can leave via the icon.

Depending on the course's settings, it might not always be possible to leave a learning group (e.g. due to date restrictions). In this case, please contact your lecturers and ask them to un-enrol you.

Courses and course content

You can find your courses in the Tab Teach & Learn under My Courses.

There are different ways to upload files in an OLAT course:

  • Regular folders: If your course’s lecturer chooses to allow uploads by participants in a regular folder, you will see a button with an arrow pointing upwards. Click this button to upload your document.
  • Task folders: Task folders belong to an OLAT task that your lecturer asks you to solve. Depending on the task’s configuration, you may need to select a task before you can upload a document via the “Upload” button.

Please note that OLAT poses restrictions on the types of files you may upload.

It is possible to be notified about changes in certain course elements (e.g. new file uploads in a folder). In order to enable notifications, click the “Subscribe" button in the upper right corner of a folder, forum etc.
Notifications will be sent to your email address stored in OLAT's database (usually your HRZ account's email).

If you have subscribed to course elements, these subscriptions will remain active even after you have left the courses.

You can manage your subscriptions (and unsubscribe) in your news area.

Open the dropdown menu next to your name and choose News.

The Tab Manage Subscriptions shows your active subscriptions. To unsubsribe, check the box in front of that subscription and hit the button Unsubscribe.

Your lecturer may have chosen to limit access based on a certain date and time or to grant access only to people who are members of specific groups. Please contact your lecturer for further information if you believe you should be granted access to the course element in question.

Some lecturers choose to protect their courses with an extra password of their chosing.

If you are sure that you should have access to the course in question, you should be able to receive the password from your lecturer.

Working Groups

As a student, you are not able to create your own courses. You are, however, able to create working groups where you can work together with other students that you invite into the group, exchange documents, open discussions etc.

To create a new working group, click the tab Teach & Learn, then click My Groups and Create Group.
OLAT working groups are not publicly visible, hence there is no way to search for existing working groups. You may gain access only through the group owner's invitation.